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Bric-a-Brac Sale at St Crux

20 Mar 2024

Date: Wednesday 12th June

Time: 10am-4pm

Location: St Crux Hall

On Wednesday 12th June, join us in St Crux Hall for our bric-a-brac sale! There will be plenty of tea, coffee, cake and more to enjoy while you peruse our stalls.

If you have any unwanted belongings you would be willing to donate, let us know! We’re looking for donations of good quality bric-a-brac, toys, books and games. Please keep in mind that we’re unable to accept any clothing, electricals, or toys without CE tags.

We’re also on the lookout for volunteers to help us sell goods and run the refreshment counter. If you’re interested in lending a hand, get in touch on 01904 764466 or email

Any bric-a-brac items can be brought to our office at York Community Stadium between now and June. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

We hope to see you there!