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Carers Week 2023

It’s currently Carers Week from from 5th-11th June. This week, we aim to recognise the importance and challenges of being an unpaid carer; we also hope to help those who don’t identify themselves as a carer, despite having the responsibilities of one, to take on the title and access support.

A carer is somebody who gives unpaid support to someone who couldn’t manage without their help. This might be a partner, family member, friend or neighbour who needs emotional support, help with everyday tasks, lifts to appointments, someone to communicate with others for them, help with personal care and more.

(Image description: A woman and her carer)

Caring for someone with cancer can cause great emotional strain for both patient and carer. The healthcare team should always be informed of any main carers the patient has – they can help with support for the patient and the carer themselves, and make sure communication goes through the right channels. Other professionals, such as district nurses, social workers or occupational therapists can offer additional help for home care.

If you are a carer, your responsibilities may change over time, and what you have the capacity to provide may shift. The physical and emotional demands may be difficult, and you might have to balance work and family duties with being a carer. Whatever your situation, you are not alone.

You may qualify for practical support when you undertake a carer’s assessment from social services. You could also look into receiving a carer’s allowance. Closer to home, you may find friends or family willing to help alleviate some of the tasks you face as a carer; perhaps they would be able to cook one meal a week for you, or come round and tend to some household chores. Making lists of things that could help can be a great way to encourage people to lend a hand.

(Image description: The Family Room in The Leveson Centre)

Pop into The Leveson Centre if you are in need of support or someone to talk to. We are open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm and can be found in York Community Stadium. You may benefit from attending our new Family and Friends Support Group starting 15th June in the Centre. Call us on 01904 202647 or send an email to to find out more.

Macmillan has many helpful resources for carers. Read about them here.